Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Blue Grotto

Today we are diving at the blue grotto another cavern located about a mile from our cabin, we get there and the outside part of the site is not as nice as the other place and Mr.Grumpy is in charge of the place, The briefing is a very nicely made video with emphasis on not touching the bottom. This cavern is deeper it goes down a chimney to a depth of over one hundred feet, to deep for the certification level of Sebastien and frankly to much for my comfort level. So we will stay in the first part that is delimitated by a line at 60 feet, actually on both dives there we did not exceed 55 feet. There is a nice turtle swimming at the surface.

The entry from a floating dock is easy and as soon as we go down spectacular. Once again there are some underwater platforms for gathering and our mandatory 3 minutes safety stop at 15 feet. The cavern is vast and with no pass-trough. There is even a diving bell feed with compressed air that I find cool but Sebastien does not like it. So we swim around taking pictures.

At the end of the last dive as we are waiting on the platform during our safety stop there is a lot of small fishes that are so close that we could touch them. Also as we exit there is one big catfish near the platform. It was a very nice dive indeed, now we pack up our dive gear for a long time and start our drive to the north.

We had great dives on this vacation a total of 14 and a lot of fun. We bring back memories an a few thousand pictures as well as some videos.

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